10 Types of Single Women Over 30 – 2 – The LBT

The 10 11 Types Of Single Women Over The Age of 30 – Page 2


Widely known as the finest dating and romance coach for women on the West Coast, Marc E. Katzenberg has been helping single women past their “best served by” date find love since 2003. Many of his distinguished alumnae have had a baby and then divorced, received highly favorable marital dissolution agreements or just had a fully-paid nice meal with an inoffensive suitor. By helping women understand men – what they think, how they act, and what they really want – he empowers women to get what they want. Katzenberg is the author of “A Commonsense Guide to Dating After You’re Approaching Menopause.”

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4) The Tough-As-Nails Careerist

Every day she is out to prove she is as tough as all those big men that surround her.  She’s hauling a brief case around and not giving an inch in her negotiations.  Outside of work she moves like a dude and spends about as much time on her look as one.  Her hair is flat and lusterless, and her personality matches.  

Not able to turn off her career warrior mentality after she leaves the office, she turns off the very few alphas more successful than her that she would deem acceptable for matrimony.  No matter, she thinks.  By the time I’m 40 I’ll be a partner or a senior VP.  It never occurs to her that men don’t want a female careerist when they come home from their own feces-hurling battles in their own workplace.  They also don’t want an infertile, worn out old harridan.

Feminine, she will never be.  She might make a good “partner” for putting two kids through private school.  Other than that, she is of little use.

5) The Alpha Female

Oh, these women are a terror in their 20’s.  These are the hot, sexy, model-height women with interests, intelligence and the gift of the gab.  Since puberty blessed them with its holy kiss in their early teens, the world seemed like a limitless place.  Invitations to exotic destinations in private planes, free surfing lessons from attractive instructors, complimentary meals at the most elegant restaurants in town…  Life is wonderful!  Why would anyone settle down a day before one has to?

And it stays that way for the alpha female… until it starts not to.  For most, it’s in their early-30s.  The invitations become less frequent, and the suitors less persistent.

By the Alpha Female’s late-30s, she is scrapping for attention from one of the normal guys that works for a living whom she did not even notice existed 10 years before.  Perhaps one of these guys will pretend not to know what she has been doing the last 15 years while he has been slaving in an office and save her from her misery by marrying her.

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